Press Freedom: RSF says AI is weakening Journalism

As the world celebrates Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders ((RSF) say the use of Artificial Intelligence and Content Manipulation by political actors across the world is weakening the quality of journalism.
In a statement to mark 2023 world press freedom day, the organisation said in 118 countries, political actors were often or systematically involved in massive disinformation or propaganda campaigns.
According to the orgainsation, the data gathered showed that the difference is being blurred between true and false, real and artificial, facts and artifices, jeopardising the right to information.
They stressed that the disinformation industry disseminates manipulative content on a huge scale, as shown by an investigation by the Forbidden Stories consortium, a project co-founded by RSF.
On the state of press freedom worldwide, Norway is ranked first for the seventh year running, while a non-Nordic country is ranked second, namely Ireland which moved up 4 places at 2nd and ahead of Denmark which is down 1 place at 3rd.
Vietnam, china and north Korea occupy the three last positions on the global press freedom index.
Africa has also seen some of the biggest fall with Senegal and Tunisia found down 31 and 37 places beneath the ranking all attributed to criminal charges against journalists and political intolerance of media criticism.
Writing by Gwamkat Gwamzhi